in dollar terms造句

"in dollar terms"是什么意思   


  1. In dollar terms , that would be a significant blow to this company
  2. Together , they will be bigger in dollar terms than the g7 economies
    按美元价格计算,这五个国家的经济总量将会超过g7 。
  3. In dollar terms , world trade in goods rose 21 per cent in 2004 to $ 8 , 880bn
    以美元计算, 2004年全球贸易商品金额增长了21 % ,达8 . 88万亿美元。
  4. Spain now has the second - largest current - account deficit in the world in dollar terms and looks dangerously overheated
  5. Changes in payments and monthly allowance reported in dollar terms are converted into annual percentage terms by relating them to the appropriate salary rates
  6. It's difficult to find in dollar terms in a sentence. 用in dollar terms造句挺难的
  7. Accordingly , the limits would be increased , in dollar terms , by 2 , 500 to 158 , 300 for the olas , and by 6 , 900 to 439 , 800 for the slas
    相应地,以实际金额计算,普通计划的限额会因此调高2 , 500元至158 , 300元,辅助计划则调高6 , 900元至439 , 800元。
  8. Since the start of the global bull market in 2003 emerging asian shares have gained 210 % in dollar terms , compared with an average of 440 % in latin america
    自从2003年全球牛市开始以来,新兴亚洲市场的股票以美元计增加了210 % ,而同期拉丁美洲的股票平均增加了440 % 。
  9. China ' s trade surplus widened by only 12 % ( in dollar terms ) over the year to the fourth quarter , compared with an increase of almost 90 % in the first half of last year
    中国到07年第四季度总计全年贸易顺差以美元计算只增长了12 % ,而按07上半年计算,贸易顺差增长近九成之高。
  10. China ' s trade surplus widened by only 12 % ( in dollar terms ) over the year to the fourth quarter , compared with an increase of almost 90 % in the first half of last year
    中国到07年第四季度总计全年贸易顺差在绝对美元币值条件下只增长了12 % ,而按07上半年计算,贸易顺差增长近九成之高。
  11. Since july 2005 the yuan has gained 9 % against the dollar , so in industries such as clothing , where profit margins are slim , exporters have been forced to raise their prices in dollar terms
    从2005年七月,人民币对美元已经升值9 % ,所以在利润率较低的工业中,比如制衣业,出口商迫不得已提高产品的美元价格。
  12. The biannual survey by the economist intelligence unit compares the cost of goods and services in dollar terms . the rise of oslo and other european cities partly reflects the long - term underperformance of the u . s . currency
  13. After 14 years ranked as the most expensive city in the world for expatriates , tokyo has been knocked off the top spot by norway ' s capital oslo , a survey showed on tuesday . the biannual survey by the economist intelligence unit compares the cost of goods and services in dollar terms


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